Although being a Personal Trainer (PT) is a gratifying experience, you are certainly aware of the variety of administrative responsibilities required to keep things going smoothly. Things can get a little chaotic when it comes to processing clients’ registrations, collecting payments, reserving grounds or facilities, and planning the teams’ schedule. If you’ve been overwhelmed by such issues and want searching for an ultimate solution, an intelligent Sports Management Software is highly recommended. Let’s find out in the following lines why the all-inclusive In2, the Sports Management Software, should be your ultimate solution!
Automated booking made easy

Through In2, you will have the possibility to automate your scheduling and booking processes. You will be able to easily manage your leads, offer your clients the choice to book online, for you to gain visibility across all your bookings through multiple devices. Notifying clients, recording registrations and tracking client and sessions history are all united under one roof, hence, unifying the communication and lessening the usage of DMs or even WhatsApp.
Ability to focus on what matters the most

Kissing the errors goodbye

Skipping unwanted situations thanks to online payments

You can keep track of all of your finances in one location! In addition, you can collect payments from your clients through the “online payment” option, for a more professional payment process, without the need to remind them about their payment due, which might be embarrassing sometimes.
A mindful reminder

Through In2, you will be able to keep your clients fully engaged and aware in anything related to their fitness journey. Using the reminder system, you will have the possibility to seamlessly remind your clients about any upcoming session, thus, ensuring smooth communication, pleasant notifications, and full attendance.
Benefitting from a branded app

Are you ready to modernize, simplify your Personal Training efforts and keep on succeeding?
In2 is ready to turn your desired Personal Training journey into reality! Join In2’s clan of productive PTs by booking your demo right away!