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Empower Your Business With a Software Designed for Strategic Growth, and Unparalleled Success



Fuel your business growth with reports dedicated to place you on the right trajectory towards success.
Access detailed reports that provide valuable insights into your sports facility’s performance whether financial, services and more.

Growth Report

Attain in-depth insights into your sports facility’s financial health with cash and sales Reports. Analyze revenue streams, track expenses, and make informed financial decisions.

Membership Reports

Gain a thorough understanding of your client’s Memberships and track attendance, preferences, and trends to tailor your services to your customer’s needs.

Membership Auto-Renewal

Supply your clients with a hassle-free and automated renewal process, ensuring continued engagement.


Stay informed at a glance with a manager and front-desk dashboard.
Access key financial data and service indicators on a centralized dashboard, empowering you with real time information.

Financial Trend Tracker

Stay ahead with the financial Trend chart, analyze patterns, identify peak months, and make data-driven decisions to drive financial success.

Online Widgets

Provide interactive and informative widgets on your website that displays your classes and packages and allow your client to book your services directly.

Automated Emails

Enhance your communication strategy with Automatic Emails. From personalized templates and updates based on triggers. Stay connected, build relationships, and ensure your messages are delivered easily.

Your Mobile

Elevate your brand identity with a branded app customized just for you. Tailor the mobile experience for your sports facility, creating a cohesive and personalized connection with your members.

Branded App Single - Green

Mobile Class Booking

Offer your clients the convenience of Mobile Class Booking. With just a few taps, your customers can easily schedule their classes, ensuring flexibility and accessibility in managing their fitness routines.

Event Planning

Host events from scheduling to client booking. This feature streamlines the planning process, ensuring successful and memorable events.

Combo packages

Offer bundled experiences with Combo Packages. Create attractive and value-packed combinations of services to cater diverse clients.


Monetize your facilities with Online Rentals. Boost the rental process and make it available online, attracting external groups, and generating revenue for your sports establishment.

Payment Gateway Integrations

Optimize financial transactions with Payment Gateway Integrations. Provide your business a diverse and secure payment options, ensuring a smooth and convenient experience.

Package Retention Report

Identify trends in package retention, allowing you to refine and enhance your membership packages.

Promotional Discounts

Boost engagement and attract more members with Promotional Discounts. Run time based targeted promotions to drive sales and create excitement within your sports community.

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