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in2 Vs Glofox



in2 Vs Glofox Features

Online Booking
Whatsapp Messaging
Data Centralization
Online Payments
Data Visualization
Field Management
Custom Staff Roles

Why are in2’s Services
 Better than Glofox Features?


Whatsapp Messaging

An X-Cally integration is considered to be superior to other communication aspects.

This integration triggers Whatsapp messages sent to users every time there’s a :

  • •  Membership Expiry
  • •  Client Birthday
  • •  Package Purchase
  • •  Clientele Anniversary
  • •  New Sign Up: Branded App Credentials

Whatsapp Messaging


An X-Cally integration is considered to be superior to other communication aspects.

This integration triggers Whatsapp messages sent to users every time there’s a :

  • •  Membership Expiry
  • •  Client Birthday
  • •  Package Purchase
  • •  Clientele Anniversary
  • •  New Sign Up: Branded App Credentials

Data Centralization

in2 allows the access of multiple branches from one log in, which isn’t available amongst Glofox features.

This way, all your data will be centralized:

  • •  Registrations and Appointments
  • •  Payments and Expenses
  • •  Customer Profiles
  • •  Reports

With the rest of your data as well.

in2 Mini Dashboard

Data Centralization

in2 Mini Dashboard

in2 allows the access of multiple branches from one log in, which isn’t available amongst Glofox features.

This way, all your data will be centralized:

  • •  Registrations and Appointments
  • •  Payments and Expenses
  • •  Customer Profiles
  • •  Reports

With the rest of your data as well.

Branches Feature

Data Visualization

Want to analyze your overall productivity?

We got you! 

Unlike another one of Glofox features, data visualization is easily offered through in2’s platform:

  • •  Branch-Specific Dashboards
  • •  Effortless Data Filtering
  • •  Seamless Branch Navigation
  • •  Unified Branch Comparison Dashboard

Data Visualization

Branches Feature

Want to analyze your overall productivity?

We got you! 

Unlike another one of Glofox features, data visualization is easily offered through in2’s platform:

  • •  Branch-Specific Dashboards
  • •  Effortless Data Filtering
  • •  Seamless Branch Navigation
  • •  Unified Branch Comparison Dashboard

Custom Staff Roles

Assigning staff roles to your team is key to organize your management and here’s how we’ll help ensure you excel in it:

  • •  Hierarchical Staff Roles
  • •  Role Flexibility: Assigning Identical Levels to Multiple Team Members
  • •  Customizable Role Hierarchies
Multi-level Access

Custom Staff Roles

Multi-level Access

Assigning staff roles to your team is key to organize your management and here’s how we’ll help ensure you excel in it:

  • •  Hierarchical Staff Roles
  • •  Role Flexibility: Assigning Identical Levels to Multiple Team Members
  • •  Customizable Role Hierarchies

More about Glofox Features and in2's

Book a demo with us and discover more of the benefits in2 has over the rest of Glofox features.

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