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Why in2



In2 is a cloud-based solution designed to streamline and oversee sports businesses at every stage. Recognizing the significance of timing, accuracy, and effective management, In2 serves as your essential tool for seamlessly integrating these aspects into your sports operations. It simplifies the administration of classes, instructors, and clients through an intuitive platform, providing real-time advantages to all users.


Scope Software Solutions has developed several functional software platforms for the fitness, leisure, and hospitality industries. The software architecture has been developed to offer seamless front and back end solutions, including integration to accounting packages where required, that offer peace of mind through enhanced cyber security.

in2 Community

Champs Fitness 2 line Wordmark - Black and White
Miami Fitness Factory Icon Logo - Black and white
Core Lab - Mark Hajj
Restore - Core Fitness Logo - Black and White
SoulHIIT logo - Black and White

in2 vs Sentinel Features

Custom Level
Online Booking
Membership Management
Regional Payment Gateway Integration
Open to Integration
Payroll Management
Mobile App
Customer Review
Competitive Pricing

Reasons in2 is the Best
Sentinel Alternative

Expense & Payroll Management

With In2  Expense Management features, you can effortlessly track and categorize expenses, automate expense reimbursement, and generate detailed reports for better financial insights. On the other hand, our payroll management features ensure accurate calculations, effortless paycheck and direct deposit generation, seamless payroll tax filing, and efficient time and attendance tracking. This integrated platform optimizes your financial processes, saving you time, reducing errors, and empowering your business to achieve greater financial efficiency and growth.

Expense & Payroll Management
Custom Levels

Custom Level and Access Restrictions

Custom levels and access restrictions can benefit both the client and the service provider. For the client, it helps them to find the right level of challenge and engagement, which can improve their motivation and adherence to their fitness goals. For the business provider, it can help to improve customer satisfaction and retention, as clients are more likely to stay with a provider that offers a personalized experience.

Custom Levels

User-Friendly System

A user-friendly system with a well-designed user interface (UI) is critical for enhancing the customer experience. In2 achieves this by using clear and concise language, familiar metaphors, and progressive disclosure in its UI design. This makes the software easy to use and navigate, even for users with varying levels of tech-savviness. Furthermore, In2 provides clear and concise error messages and gathers feedback from users throughout the design process, ensuring that the software is as user-friendly and error-free as possible. This focus on user experience contributes to increased customer satisfaction.

User Friendly System
Customer Support

Customer Success

A professional and dedicated customer service team is an valuable resource for making the onboarding and training process for new software users smooth and efficient. This team provides clear and concise instructions, answers questions, troubleshoots problems, and offers ongoing support, ensuring that users have the necessary assistance at every stage. By having a professional and dedicated customer service team, businesses can guarantee that their customers have a positive experience when learning to use their software. This level of support fosters trust and confidence in the software and the business itself, improving overall customer satisfaction.

Customer Support

Sports Event Management

in2 allows you to manage your sports event; it offers an all-encompassing solution for event creation and management. It’s designed to provide event organizers with the tools they need to create informative and engaging event calendars, keep participants informed, ensure smooth scheduling, and present event details in a user-friendly manner. With in2, your events will not only be well-organized but also memorable and enjoyable for all participants, as you take the stress out of event management and focus on delivering exceptional experiences.

Sports Event Management
Rating and Reviews

Customer Rating and Review

In2 is integrated with payment gateways like: MyFatoorah, CC Avenue, Network International, etc.. Which helps their clients support the local payment methods and currencies in their target markets. Regional payment gateway integration enables sports businesses to expand their payment processing capabilities by integrating payment gateways that support local payment methods and currencies. With regional payment gateway integration, sports organizations can accept payments from customers in different countries through the most convenient and trusted payment methods. 

Rating and Reviews

Payroll Management

The payroll management sports software streamlines salary calculation for sports organizations by automating the process of computing employee compensation, such as salaries, wages, benefits, and taxes. It has features for calculating deductions and taxes and creating reports that aid in making data-driven decisions, optimizing operations, and controlling costs. 

Through payroll automation, sports organizations can focus on their core activities, like coaching athletes, organizing events, and generating sponsorship and revenue opportunities, while simplifying compliance with legal standards and minimizing errors in employee pay.

Payroll Management
Dashboard and Reports

Dashboards and Reports

The Dashboards and Reports function of the payroll management sports software allows sports organizations to have a clear overview of their payroll processing and employee compensation. in2 dashboard typically displays data in the form of charts, graphs, or tables, which make it easy to interpret the information at a glance. The dashboard may include information such as total payroll costs, payroll expenses by position or department, overtime hours, and deductions. By presenting this information in a simple and organized way, the dashboard can assist sports organizations in making informed, data-driven decisions and monitoring payroll performance.

Dashboard and Reports


In conclusion, In2 stands out as a top choice for gym and fitness studio management. It offers comprehensive waitlist management, custom cancellation policies, dedicated customer support, and open integration with multiple payment gateways. In2’s commitment to customization ensures that businesses’ individual needs are met. Overall, In2 is a comprehensive and customer-focused solution for gym and fitness studio management.

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